A cry for justice for the Tanzanian Maasai; a dire need for quick ACTION!

Very disturbing scenes; Desperate faces, hungry children, worried men and women are described by these pictures. The Tanzanian government through TANAPA has forced thousands of indigenous Tanzanian maasais out of their ancestral land, confiscated their livestock and burnt their homes.Information available to Kenyans and the world is scanty. Contact people in the ground are scared due to intimidation.However, the human rights violation on this people is loud,so apparent that silence is the least thing human rights groups and the Indigenous People organizations can do. The agreement that was signed in 1959 between the colonial government and the Maasai that saw the establishment of the Serengeti National Park clearly states that "the maasai will never face any possible eviction" why unleash such barbaric acts on a community known to be environment friendly,coexist harmonious and peacefully with wildlife over and above being a heritage envied the world over. Of importance to...