
Let pass the past

Preface. The past has way of reminding us of our inadequacies other than our accomplishments, it has a way of reminding us the pain other than joy. Quite often when I feel down trodden I close my little house in the savannah, put off my phone and grab a book, a published and a life speaking one, not romance or fiction. For the past two years I have found solace in books to disconnect with the mind. And I am a testimony of surviving depression, self pity, hopelessness and in the extreme suicidal thoughts. One of the lessons I have and continue learning from 'The Power of Now' by ECKHART TOLLE is that you should disconnect with the mind, you are not the mind; listen to the mind and once you are free from the mind, you can observe and listen to the mind as a third party. Its called consciousness. Ask someone who has ever been in an emergency situation, they will tell you this is true. Or read the whole book. Though I will continue being the pieces with some of my life story. If yo

Rapture from the eyes of a Pastoralist boy.

I was barely the age of looking after calves when I joined Oletukat Primary school 33 years ago, in fact there was no this current CBC then. I was an active member of 'Village under the tree Kids Bible School'; it happened every afternoon after school, Five days a week of the normal working and school going days. It never happened on Sundays for boys because we went to look after calves. Pastor Isaac was that Pastor of those times before prosperity gospel;  his teachings were squarely based on giving life to Christ, repentance, rapture and the end of the world.Those pastors who were more than headmasters that if wrong, especially licking sugar when send to the shop,your mom threatens to go tell him or you sleep hungry. I chose to sleep hungry even if it's noon. One evening the teaching was on rapture. Daktari Peter, Pastor Sam, Corporal Julius(These are their current title- I have hidden half identity) and other age mates sat down silently and in a pensive mood listenin

Lets not just change the narrative lets also change the narrators.

Narok, a county rich theoretically but poor in actual sense, not poor because we lack resources but because we elect bad political prefects. And here is my two cent. I want to make my worries in public because maybe there is someone we share the worries. I have posted my mind pieces on my face book wall consistently and what I get are insults and threats in my inbox but the truth remains this County is in and going to the wrong hands. Our people have thrown the pride through the window; that we dont 'eat' the stomach from both ends. People have become voting objects other than what democracy dictates.; that your vote is your voice. Our youth have become keyboard warriors and guns for hire. Like they went to school to get degrees in insults and have now become qualified character assassins. Most of them are quack bloggers and PR agents hired to by politicians to trend their interests, propaganda and white lies on social media. We are living in a community that literally

Love and life before whatsapp.

When I was growing up, our village was so knit, talk of a 100 households in the same place in a circle. I normally get a nostalgic attack when I remember the communal porridge drinking sprees. The mothers will contribute flour and milk then all the children get served from the same location. We grazed the livestock together in the plains and so that was the life! Then we grew up to adolescents then to junior youths which was the most exciting segment of our milestone; dating was communal, a girl belonged to the closest boy and we always competed to remain close to the chick's heart. So you maximized on your turn to smear mud with malicious words on your most feared competitor. If your girl's parents are harsh you need to agree what she will put on top of their Manyatta to symbolize presence of either parent or both.  Mostly for the mum it's a cup and a pot for the dad. If you ever agree to meet out of the homestead,you identify a tree or a rock and time.  It was tricky

KWS Rangers kill in cold blood two innocent Maasai Youth in Mosiro, Kajiado

Saturday morning, the news of the shootings of two young, unarmed evangelists in a prayer session by KWS Rangers shook Narok and Kajiado Counties. Ole Lenkume and Ole Taki were praying and fasting in the forest when the KWS Rangers opened fire and killed them instantly in pretext that they were poachers. The matter was reported and several people recorded statements with the police at Ntulele. Kajiado West MP, Hon. Sakuda assured of justice for the victims. The area Member of County Assembly and the community has given the Government a seven days ultimatum to arrest the Rangers or else they will kill all elephants and alluded that no KWS Ranger will ever step on Mosiro again.The Government is yet to respond to the community's ultimatum. This comes at a time when the maasai community in both Kajiado and Narok Counties grapples with rising cases of police torture, human rights violations and impunity in the police force. KWS Rangers has a history of prejudicial and extra judicia

Ladies in Narok, beware of a serial rapist(s).

The man who lured and repeatedly raped the 13 years old girl on the evening of Thursday 2nd April,was yesterday arraigned in court amidst anger from the public and relatives of the young girl. He was however remanded in custody till the Narok Resident Magistrate is able to establish if the current act on the rights of the accused persons and bail could release him on bond or not. He will appear before the court on 10th April 2015. George Gikamae, is known by many as a serial rapist. He is part time a student at Maasai Mara university and part time a bodaboda operator. He is accused of luring to his house and repeatedly raped a 13 years secondary school girl whose name we can not disclose because she is a minor. Luckily, he was apprehended by neighbours and taken to the Narok Police station where he spent his Easter holiday. What is more worrying is that this man confessed to be a serial rapist and he confirmed to the girl that he is not near to achieving his target on the number of

The Kajiado by election is not an ODM win, it is a Maasai community Win!

The tallying process was so uncertain, unpredictable and disturbing that most people shook and started doubting its credibility. This actually applied to both parties. The final announcement came as a relief to all in equal measure but more to ODM who waited in abated breath for the win. However, this is not a win for ODM, it is a maasai nation win, and a lose to the President, his cronies in maasailand and URP. This win is a sign that the Maasai political landscape is shaping, I believe to the better. It has redeemed the dignity that comes with being politically united with and for a purpose. The people of Kajiado spoke on behalf of the Maasai; they simply made a verdict that it is and it will never be business as usual. The Maasai community for a long time have been in the receiving end in national politics; getting into the arena as foster children not marriage partners. In traditional African societies, foster, orphaned and or adopted children do not enjoy equal privileges