Lets not just change the narrative lets also change the narrators.
Narok, a county rich theoretically but poor in actual sense, not poor because we lack resources but because we elect bad political prefects. And here is my two cent. I want to make my worries in public because maybe there is someone we share the worries. I have posted my mind pieces on my face book wall consistently and what I get are insults and threats in my inbox but the truth remains this County is in and going to the wrong hands. Our people have thrown the pride through the window; that we dont 'eat' the stomach from both ends. People have become voting objects other than what democracy dictates.; that your vote is your voice. Our youth have become keyboard warriors and guns for hire. Like they went to school to get degrees in insults and have now become qualified character assassins. Most of them are quack bloggers and PR agents hired to by politicians to trend their interests, propaganda and white lies on social media. We are living in a community that literally ...